
about us

Restorative Justice

Our Restorative Justice Practices Program is dedicated to fostering a campus environment characterized by safety, bravery, and inclusivity. Aligned with our school district’s Restorative Discipline Policy, our program focuses on building a cohesive community where conflicts are addressed collaboratively to uphold our shared values.

We provide comprehensive support to students, offering opportunities to develop essential life skills such as self-management, social awareness, self-awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship-building. Through facilitated community circles and restorative dialogues, we guide students and adults in addressing and repairing harmful situations, promoting understanding and accountability.

In addition, our program offers a supportive space for students to de-stress and navigate challenges they may face. Teachers often refer students to us for support with attendance, grades, and behavioral concerns, and we collaborate with a range of stakeholders—including teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents—to provide tailored support to each student's needs.

Morse High School, Rm 402

Classroom: 619-510-4700 ext 2402

fax: 619-262-6835

Google Voice: 619-800-0125

[email protected]